Thanksgiving has become a favorite feast for psychologists studying the consequence of giving thanks. A year ago November, the New York Times reported on a recent study that's findings join those of many other like studies over the years to show the quantitative benefits to those who have a general attitude of gratitude. Some of those bennies, when compared to control group counterparts, include better sleep, improved general health, less anxiety, less likely to become aggressive when provoked, higher long-term satisfaction in life, kinder behavior towards others – including your significant other.
The AZ Dilles have found plenty to be grateful for this Thanksgiving and holiday season. I'm still gainfully employed, despite the environment of political turmoil and uncertainty in which I work; love abounds in our home; and the kids are are well; physically, mentally and otherwise. In deed, life is good. Below is a quick caption of our November doings as well as a list of things each of us are grateful for. Love you all very much.
JT attended a merit badge clinic in Tucson. Being in Nogales, these clinics don't come around all that often, so we take advantage of them when they do. In this clinic JT earned his Citizenship in the Nation merit badge. For those of you who've been there, you know that this is no easy task. Fortunately for JT, in his homeschooling over the past year he's learned a lot about the Constitution, the federal government as envisioned by the Founding Fathers with proper checks and balances existing between the three federal branches, and the stark contrast that is found in what we have by way of the federal government today. He enjoyed his day.
I stayed home with the two boys while Camille and Kayla took time in Tucson to tour Ley's Piano, a new piano manufacturing plant in Tucson. Ever since moving into what would be considered a real home, as opposed to what we lived in throughout our schooling years, a piano has occupied prime square footage on our living room floors. But oh, the joy that comes from the music that constantly flows in our home!
Camille spoke in church on the topic of family and children, which is definitely right up her alley. She did a fantastic job! I spoke in stake conference a week earlier on developing a strong personal foundation in the gospel. I was told I did a good job, but all the praise in the world could come and I'd still be glad that it's over.
Finally, we spent the Thanksgiving holiday with the Millers, our dear friends in Wickenburg. We were not able to get there last year, because of the new arrival just a month earlier, and we missed it terribly. The weekend was filled with the Turkey bowl, volleyball games with old friends, concerts, paint ball, movies and FOOD! It was great (especially the pecan pie – ala mode :-). Grandpa Miller made sugar cookies every morning! But the company was even better – and, to top it all off, we had karaoke going to the wee hours of the morning. Great times making great memories.
On the way home from Wickenburg we stopped at the temple and enjoyed the spirit there. Cam and I did sealings and were lucky enough to have a talkative sealer who spoke of coming to the temple early in the morning when the only other person there was a security guard. He spoke of the amazing peace that filled the temple... UNTIL you got to the baptistry. There, he said, it was electric! There were many there who knew that there work would be done that day and that if they could get that done, the rest would be accomplished. A great reminder to keep working on our Family History!
What follows are inserts by Kayla & JT of what they are thankful for, followed by an update on what makes the two little Dille boys click:
From Kayla: What I'm most grateful for...can't be contained to just four things, no matter how many times my parents tell me to shorten it. SO I SHALL DO FIVE. (Mwahaha!) It took some time to narrow things down..about three seconds.. to the top four “gratefuls.”: JT's breakfasts, Joseph's smile, Thomas's crazy, random, not-so-innocent innocence, Mom's home-made bread (and patience) and my Dad's daddy-daughter dates. ;)
From JT: I am grateful for having a family who is there for me always. Also, for having a dad who has a good job and can pay for our finances. And for a mother who is understanding and will help me through any trials that may come my way. Also for Kayla, Thomas, and Joseph for giving me something to do all the time; they show me what real joy is. I am also grateful for a Godhead who loves me and cares for me each day. Other loved ones: Grandmas and grandpas and uncles and aunts. Even cousins seem to only do the best for me and I love you all.
Thomas loves his tricycle, his cars, his little brother, his mom and dad, his Kayla and his JT. He loves it when Joseph gives him tight hug squeezes. He loves it when it is his turn to talk. He is going to ask Santa for a big boy bicycle for Christmas and asks to open presents every day. He is learning that sharing makes him feel happy in his heart. He loves to make “t's”. He loves to play outside for “just a few more minutes.” He likes to clean his own teeth at the dentist, three times. He is excited to be a big kid and go to primary. He loves to watch movies about Jesus. He is learning to be a nice friend. And most of all, he LOVES to read stories, aaaaaaaaaaaaaall daaaaaaaaaaaaaaay looooooooooooooooooong.
Joseph is big on smiling; learning to throw a fit; easy to laugh and tickle. He loves to sit and play with his toys, stick his finger into little holes, yell at the doggies to "Get down!"; stack his stacking cups and squeal with joy when knocking them over, and be chased and toddle as fast as he can to get away. He is working on many new words, but our favorite is "dampa dampa deeeee." We think he is saying "Grandpa and Grandma Dille!" He is a JOY!
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